Nature Photos Skycaptin5

The nature photos found on the Youtube Skycaptin5 community tab offer various functions. Being the one showcased I thought it might be fun to over what the photos serve on the channel and a bit about the process behind them. They really aren't anything too special, but they're part of my enjoyable walks. All of them are actually real photos, at least the ones in nature and the iPhone 16 Pro processing can sometimes make them seem unrealistic.

They’re not really adjusted for visuals either, though at times for some I do wish I’d lighten them as they can come across rather dark if the sun is casting too much. They’re really just supposed to be real showcases of the places I visit within Calgary and the surrounding area. Unless I’m travelling they’re all basically from spots from within twenty minutes of where I live.

I am very fortunate that the City of Calgary has incredibly lovely parks and well kept natural spots. I’d like actually maybe dive into them more one day but so far they’re sort of just lightly enjoyed on the channel.

Jason Stettner Nose Hill Skycaptin5

I would imagine you may wonder the purpose of them with the channel being so focused on gaming. It was around 2019 that I started going on walks, almost daily quite honestly outside of the winter times here. It’s really nice to appreciate the natural locations around the city and great for exercise, I’m strangely outgoing. They serve the functionality of showing that it’s good to be well rounded and not just sit around gaming. Though mostly they give viewers a chance to see that I am doing what I talk about and get an idea of who I am.

This may sound strange, but outside of livestreams you really don’t see or interact with me and this allows for some level of connection there. To put a face behind the videos and what not. I also visit some lovely places and while my poses may not be thrilling they are presenting the space fairly effectively. Maybe you’ll even see the odd Goose or other wild creature, though those are harder to capture.

Rotary Nature Park Calgary
The below picture was taken in 2023 at the Rotary Nature Park in Calgary and just showcases one of the beautiful areas visited on the trips.

Jason Stettner Nature Photo Skycaptin5