Frequently Asked Questions

If you've had some questions about who exactly Skycaptin5 is, or generally about the work he does. This is the place to learn.

The Team

  • Also known as Jason Stettner, Sky runs the Youtube channel.

  • Kevin, also known as Kane2222 jumps in on livestreams. He's a mysterious person for sure.

  • Joelle, also known as Tikkitycat helps with Elder Scrolls content including the infamous Skooma video.

  • Mitchell, also known as ThePinkIllusion is a rare appearance, but always a fun one.

Important Q's

  • Sky tries to provide a daily photo on the community tab. It's harder to do during the winter, but most often you can find really cool spots from his adventures in Calgary and the area around it.

  • Sky currently does not vlog, but be sure to let him know if you want to see that sort of thing.

  • Sky has a bit of a podcast setup, but not officially for the channel. A weekly podcast has been discussed though, so be sure to let us know if you want that.

  • Sky does daily livestreams currently, typically at 10PM MST for a few hours.

  • Halo 3 | Call of Duty 4 | Minecraft | TMNT IV: Turtles in Time | Age of Empires II

  • Sky likes Kraken Rum.

  • Sky likes Empress Gin.

  • Yep, Sky loves the Costco Hot Dog. It's even an emote on the channel. Neat fact, donate enough for a Costco Hot Dog and Sky will take a photo thanking you for buying one, place it in the Discord and show it on a livestream.

Random Q's

  • Skycaptin5 is in his late 20's

  • While Sky has created some ASMR content it's not a general focus. At the same time, some find the voice rather soothing to listen to.

  • Sky is from Canada, more specifically Alberta and Calgary. It's a cool place, the daily community photos show the region.

  • Sky was known for Worldcraft, still being the biggest Youtuber for the game. This game really kickstarted the channel early on. The Portal video is still Sky's most watched video.

  • A long history with Minecraft, since pre-launch Xbox 360 Sky continues to play and livestream the game. He even attends the annual Minecraft Creator Summit. Years attended: 2022, 2021.

  • Another massive game for the franchise Sky did cover a ton of DayZ for console.