Milestones Skycaptin5

Every once and awhile a milestone is achieved by Skycaptin5 where cake and champagne or well some sort of combination is placed together to celebrate. These don’t come around so often so it’s fun to let loose and enjoy things in a professional way.

The moments are often set around subscriber goals and follow some sort of concept of tradition in what’s being presented and enjoyed. Currently there are two milestone areas found below that provide unique looks at the experiences behind the scenes really. Or, front facing quite honestly as they’re made for the audience as well.

100,000 Subscribers
This was achieved on August 28, 2023 with the plaque arriving a couple weeks afterwards. The celebration included a cake from DQ which was yet again funny in how it was finished. A champagne bottle from Costco and a special $100 wine to match 100,000 subscribers. The RuneScape crystal that celebrates that game’s 18th anniversary was also used. The cork flew high over the tree…

50,000 Subscribers
This was achieved on October 10, 2020 with a special button being provided by Sky’s mother. The celebration included a cake from DQ which was funny in how it was finished. A champagne bottle from Costco. The RuneScape crystal that celebrates that game’s 18th anniversary was used.